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Les Indiens d'Amérique

Casino Mystic Lake

Photo Jon Lucas - Voir géolocalisation

Les réserves indiennes sont des territoires concédés en propriété aux Indiens par des traités internationaux signés avec le Congrès des Etats Unis. Elles sont souvent plus anciennes que les Etats dans lesquels elles se trouvent actuellement, et donc les lois locales des Etats ne s'appliquent pas. Les Indiens ne payent pas d'impôts en dehors de leur réserve, ni ne doivent respecter les lois sur la chasse et la pêche. Beaucoup d'Etats réglementent les jeux d'argent dans les casinos, et en retirent des taxes importantes. Les entreprises et les commerces sis dans une réserve ne payent des taxes qu'au Conseil tribal. Il existe des centaines de casinos et d'autres entreprises qui se sont installées dans des réserves indiennes proches de grandes villes et profitent de ce particularisme légal. Ces nouvelles sources de revenus et d'activité sont utilisées pour améliorer la vie quotidienne des habitants de la réserve.

Being based on peace treaties made in the 1800s between independant nations and the US Federal Government and Congress, the territories of Indian reservations are not under the juridiction of the States in which they are geographically located. Most of the western States are still nowadays in large part made up of federally owned and administered land. According to a decision from the United States Supreme Court, States do not have authority to tax Indians living on Indian reservations, neither to regulate Indian activities by Indians on Indian reservations.

Enterprising Indian tribes began then to operate gaming casinos in different Indian territories across the United States. This brings unexpected revenues and employment to the often very poor reservations. Nowadays there are about 460 casinos on Indian land throughout the USA, the more successful ones are near large cities where gaming and gambling is more strictly regulated than in the reservations themselves. Indian elected councils use this revenue to provide better public services like schools or health care to tribe members. Obviously many State governments are not happy with this situation of concurrence, also that Indians have traditional fishing and hunting rights that are different from local legislation.

This photo shows the entrance of the Mystic Lake casino built on land belonging to an Indian reservation. The eagle coat of arms is an Indian totemic symbol, it is also the American bald eagle symbol of the USA. The tall building in the background is the hotel built to host visitors from far away who will stay for several days.

Map of Indian sovereignty in the USA : Indian reservations

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