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Le rugby

Olympic games

Carte postale Yves Rowy. Reproduction Frédéric Humbert

Football according to Rugby Union rules (le rugby à XV) was already played in the 1900 Olympic games, until 1924, but the growing professionalization of the Games was in contradiction with the amateur ethics of the Rugby Union. Nowadays Olympic games have become so huge, costly and complicated to organize, that adding a new sport like rugby now turned professional is very difficult.

This printed artist’s poster in garish colours shows a tackle, a player attempting to hinder the progression of the ball carrier by hugging him under the belt and forcing him to give away the ball and pass it to one of his supporting team mates. Notice the cleats on the shoe sole.

Le rugby à quinze était représenté aux Jeux Olympiques de 1900, 1908, 1920 et 1924, date à laquelle furent organisés les Jeux représentés ici. Du fait de la popularité de ce sport et de sa médiatisation grandissante, certains militent pour qu'il réintègre le mouvement olympique. Mais cette volonté se heurte au gigantisme actuel des Jeux qui rend problématique l'accueil de nouveaux sports.

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