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Le rugby

Crouching into the scrum

Photo Ciarán Bohane

Australia in orange vs Ireland in green, the packs getting into the scrum on November 5th, 2006.

The scrum is the most technical phase of rugby during which the combined power of a team will be made felt to its opponent. A scrum restarts a game after a minor infringement of the rules.The front line players called the pack build the scrum. Two players holding the central hooker’s shoulders will crouch in front of the other team’s three forwards and lock shoulders, four other players form a second row, and an eighth, third row player will bind the second row, forming a tight powerful unit.

Les packs australiens et irlandais avant une entrée en mêlée, le 5 novembre 2006.

La mêlée est peut-être la phase de jeu la plus emblématique du rugby. C'est souvent en mêlée qu'une équipe prend un ascendant décisif sur son adversaire. Seuls les avants participent à cette action.

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