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Le rugby

A line-out

Photo Gareth Owen

Six Nations Championship 2004 at Cardiff / Caerdydd’s Millenium Stadium, Wales /Cymru.

A line-out means bringing the ball back onto the playing field after it has left it. Two lines of opposed players compete to catch the ball thrown in high by a player standing outside the line. The linesman will watch that the throw is straight and does not favour one team over the other. This is one of the conquest phases of the game, you have to keep the ball on your side to be able to score.

Match du Tournois des Six Nations, au Millenium Stadium de Cardiff, en 2004.

La touche est une remise en jeu par un lanceur positionné sur la ligne de touche. Cette phase de jeu fait partie de ce que l'on appelle les phases de conquête : les efforts consentis pour s'emparer du ballon ou pour le conserver.

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