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Le rugby

A scrum

Photo Fabien Kahn

The scrum is now formed of both forward packs, the Welsh in red jersey and white pants, the French in blue and white jersey. Two props, one on either side of the hooker form the front row. The hooker binds to both props, laying his arms around their shoulders. Each prop has one arm around the hooker so they are all bound tightly together.

Two locks form the second row. They bind together by putting one arm around each other’s shoulders to pull them close together. Their heads are placed between the hooker and the props at thigh level and their outside arm binds them to the front row. The number eight is the third or back row, he places his head between the locks at thigh level and binds to the locks with both arms.

In the back row are two flankers, one on each side of the scrum. They actually bind on to the locks in the second row, so it is really a 3-4-1 formation.

A Welsh player on the left side holding the ball is awaiting the scrum to stabilize and pause, before feeding the ball into the tunnel formed under the solid mass of opposing bound players. Both packs will then fight to get control of the ball, trying to turn, or wheel the scrum, the number eight will pass it out to their own team.

Match du Tournois des Six Nations au Stade de France, en 2007.

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