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Le rugby

A try is scored

Photo Unofficial England Rugby

All Blacks player Sitiveni Waica Sivivatu is scoring a try behind the opponent’s goal line, he must lay the ball held in both hands on the ground, preferably near the middle of the line. This brings five points.

It allows the team to kick directly between the goalposts and convert the try, adding two points to the score. A dropgoal, a kick that sends the ball over the crossbar of the goalposts, is worth three points. A penalty kick awarded by the referee brings another three points if the ball flies over the crossbar.

A Fijian by birth, Sitivatu moved to New Zealand as a teenager where he learnt to play rugby.After playing in different amateur clubs he was selected to play in the national All Blacks team. Since 2011 he has been a professional fullback in the ASM Clermont Auvergne in France.

Sivivatu marque l'essai pour les All Blacks.

Un essai est le fait d'aplatir le ballon derrière la ligne adverse. Cette action rapporte cinq points à l'équipe qui en est à l'origine. Un essai donne aussi lieu à un coup de pied de transformation. Si celui-ci est réussi, l'équipe inscrit deux points supplémentaires. Un drop (coup de pied entre les poteaux réalisé dans le cours du jeu) vaut trois points. Il en va de même pour un coup de pied de pénalité.

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