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Le rugby

A rugby game

Catalogue de la Belle Jardinière, v. 1900. Reproduction Frédéric Humbert

RC France-Stade Français.

Rugby football, a sport originated in exclusive English boys’ public schools, spread fast from Great Britain into the British Empire and in places abroad were English upper class people were in residence. Rugby was played in Paris, in Normandy, in south western France (Pau and Bordeaux) and along the French Côte d’Azur Riviera, popular places of leisure for the British well-to-do. At the end of the 19th century they escaped London fog and the smog of industrial cities to pleasanter healthier climes. The first rugby club in France was founded in Le Havre in 1872.

In this 1900 print, the two teams wear uniform club jerseys and trunks with long socks, lacedup leather running shoes, the hookers wear head and ears protection. There is one Black player, and the referee on the field wears a black suit and a bowler hat, he even seems to be using a whistle.

RC France-Stade Français.

Le rugby s'est rapidement diffusé en dehors de la Grande-Bretagne du fait du Commonwealth et au gré des voyages de la bonne société britannique.

Cela explique qu'en France, le rugby se soit essentiellement développé à Paris, dans le sud-ouest ou sur la Côte d'azur ; autant de lieux de villégiature déjà populaires à la fin du XIXe siècle. (Pour mémoire, le premier club français a été créé au Havre en 1872).

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