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Le rugby

Sports implements

Catalogue Manufrance, 1924. Reproduction Frédéric Humbert

Manufrance mail order catalogue in 1924.

An excerpt from the mail order catalogue Manufrance Manufacture des Armes et Cycles de Saint-Étienne : regulatory leather balls, jerseys, socks and sport shoes for both games Association and Rugby Football. Cleats, gloves, shoelaces, pumps for inflating balls are offered. You can order shirts in the colours of your club, minimal order 12, payable in advance, delivery within three weeks.

The Manufrance company made not only guns for hunters and bicycles, but also all kinds of household, garden and sports implements, sewing machines and professional clothing for all professions. The richly illustrated yearly catalogue was distributed for free in France and all over the world.

Lots d'articles sportifs dans un catalogue Manufrance, implantée à Saint-Étienne.

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