- CRDP d'Alsace - Les dossiers -

Super 8,
de J. J. Abrams

Acteurs principaux : Joel Courtney, Elle Fanning et Kyle Chandler.
Pays d’origine : USA.
Durée : 1 h 50.
Sortie : 3 août 2011 (France).

IntroductionRevenir au début du texte

, s.d.

Synopsis :

During the summer holidays of 1979, a group of kids from Lilian, Ohio, make a zombie movie for a film festival using a Super8 light camera. They write the scenario, dress up, play the parts, shoot on location. On a night they are filming outdoors, a spectacular train accident happens next to them. They escape the explosions but they feel something has escaped from the train that is threatening and alien. The air force intervenes very soon and the peace of their home city is badly disrupted. The abandoned camera has kept a record…

Interest of the film :

A nostalgic flashback to a time when children used neither the Internet nor mobile phones, description of a working class city in Ohio, the making of a no budget amateur film with ambitions, children relationships with friends but also adults, fathers and children, inspiring tale about how ordinary people react and cope when confronted with an improbable crisis situation, also a fable about misunderstandings when meeting with strangers, an inspiring tale of courage.

Analyse de l'œuvreRevenir au début du texte

Dossier pédagogiqueFiche ou brochure à imprimer
Propositions du CRDP de l'Académie de Strasbourg pour étudier le film en classes de Troisième et de Seconde.

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Les techniques du cinémaPages web
Lien vers de nombreuses ressources en ligne pour familiariser les élèves de lycée aux techniques du cinéma : sites généralistes, lexiques, aspects techniques… sur le site Culturelycee.fr.