for kids

History & Geography

British History Timeline : an interactive timeline about the history of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


  • World digital library

    World digital library

    World digital library

    A data base in timeline form of books about history of the world, each with a notice and a picture that can be zoomed in high resolution. The notice can be listened to in English. This site is sponsored by UNESCO.

  • Library of Congress

    Library of Congress

    Library of Congress

    The portal of access to the digital ressources and services offered by the US Library of Congress in Washington DC, USA.

  • History for teens

    History for teens

    History for teens

    All you can read on American history and many themes from the History of the World , hieroglyphs, dinosaurs, French culture et al.

Geography & Travel

  • United States History Map

    United States History Map

    United States History Map

    Discover the geography of the United states of Northern America through interactive maps, with quizzes to test your knowledge, learn about the history.

  • AirPano



    View a collection of 100 breathtaking panoramic views of places around the world that are famous for their beauty, plus short descriptions, and photographs from very talented Russian photographers.

  • Towns and places

    Towns and places

    Towns and places

    The British Broadcasting Company, short BBC, offers a collection of short texts and voice recordings on British culture and current events, a fun way of learning new English vocables and often amusing details.

  • Countries



    Here is a site offered by the American National Geographic Society magazine short National Geographic for kids to discover geography and nature, there are lots of short videos and texts in easy english.

  • A developing World

    A developing World

    A developing World

    From the homepage of the Canadian International Development agency, an interactive map of Human Development index with extensive commentary.

  • The USA-Canadian border

    The USA-Canadian border

    The USA-Canadian border

    The Canadian Geographic page offers articles from the magazine on geography and the cultures of the world, here for example a study of the USA-Canadian border along the 49th parallel, there is an atlas of Canada.

  • Glossary of geographical terms

    Glossary of geographical terms

    Glossary of geographical terms

    A glossary of English terms used to describe geographical features.

Literature & Arts

Google art project : a collection of zoomable digital photos of works of art from many different museums all over the world.

Books et al.

  • Je Lis Libre

    Je Lis Libre

    You will find here a collection of very popular books in english. We will be adding additional material like audio versions, films and biographies of the authors, so be sure to visit again to find out new stuff we found out for you.

  • ThoughtAudio.com


    A collection of free access audio books read in English, classical novels and short stories as well as philosophical or historical essays that are part of the culture of Englishspeaking peoples.

  • Project Gutenberg

    Project Gutenberg


    This site offers over 39,000 free ebooks in different languages, many of them in English. Project Gutenberg carries high quality ebooks digitized and diligently proofread with the help of thousands of volunteers.

Arts & Cultures

  • The British Museum

    The British Museum

    The British Museum

    Explore the British Museum in London, one of the largest museums in the world, with objects and works of art from all over the world and from all times of human creation.

  • A history of the world

    A history of the world

    A history of the world

    The History of the World in 100 objects, chosen and commented by Museum Director Neil McGregor on BBC Radio4.

  • Young explorers

    Young explorers

    Young explorers

    Explore world histories and cultures : There is also a special section for young explorers.

  • The National Portrait Gallery

    The National Portrait Gallery

    The National Portrait Gallery

    A huge collection of over 175,000 portraits from the 16th century down to our time.

  • The Louvre museum

    The Louvre museum

    The Louvre museum

    The english portal to the Louvre museum in Paris, France, a few works are highlighted with a spoken commentary in English, and a detailed notice. A selection of works can be zoomed and viewed in high resolution.

  • The National Gallery

    The National Gallery

    The National Gallery

    A collection of 2609 photos of works of art from the National Gallery in London, Great Britain, pictures can be searched by artist’s name, by date, by title, each has a short notice and can be zoomed to view details.

Everyday life

CRDP Images for the classrom : thousands of free access pictures, most with comments in French, some collections in english and/or german as well.

Celebrations & Traditions

  • An interactive cultural timeline

    An interactive cultural timeline

    An interactive cultural timeline

    A timeline of popular celebrations and recurrent events from the Englishspeaking world, from September to August, with comments in English

  • Customs & traditions

    Customs & traditions

    Customs & traditions

    Do you have questions about British customs and traditions ? Here is a page with answers in french.

  • British life & culture

    British life & culture

    British life & culture

    A huge site packed full of information about Britain, interesting, fun and easy to understand.

School & career guidance

  • Jobs in science

    Jobs in science

    Jobs in science

    Scientific professions are explained and you are told what qualifications you need.

  • The Erasmus Programme

    The Erasmus Programme

    The Erasmus Programme

    The Erasmus Programme allows students to study all over Europe and acquire units and diplomas that will be validated as part of your cursus in your home university, 4 000 European universities in 31 countries participate.

Sports & Leisure

  • The National Trust

    The National Trust

    The National Trust

    The National trust was founded in 1895 in order to save English national heritage and open spaces, the homepages offers tips about places to visit and lots of photographs of English landscapes.

  • The North Sea Cycling Route

    The North Sea Cycling Route

    The North Sea Cycling Route

    The North Sea cycling route is an international project involving the countries sharing the European North Sea, England Scotland Norway Sweden Denmark Germany the Netherlands and Belgium, 6000 km of posted cycling paths along the coast, you mustn’t travel all the route in one go, but one strip at a time according to your wishes, and sail across the sea in ferries.

  • Narrowboats in Britain

    Narrowboats in Britain

    Narrowboats in Britain

    A traditional very British way of travelling are old transport boats you can hire to explore the dense net of canals and waterways of the country.

English language

BBC Learning english : more ressources for people wanting to learn about British events and famous people or just interesting features. There are cartoons feuilletons stories in cartoons that you can follow day after day, lots of quizzes, also curious english idioms are explained.


  • Today’s Press covers

    Today’s Press covers

    Today’s Press covers

    Read International press in the original language. Homepages of daily newspapers from different countries, you can compare how the same events will be commented differently or given a different importance by the redactors.

  • The New York Times

    The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

    The New York Times

    The online edition of one of the important daily newspapers of Northern America, in english.

  • The Daily mail

    The Daily mail

    The Daily mail

    The online edition of a British tabloid newspaper, in english.

  • The Guardian weekly

    The Guardian weekly

    The Guardian weekly

    The online weekly digest of one of the influential British newspapers.

Learn english

  • English by yourself

    English by yourself

    English by yourself

    An interactive site to learn English on your own with many fun activities, also for kids from 3 to 6 and from 7 to 12 (you may test the baby games if you are VERY shy) from the Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP).

  • Language Guide

    Language Guide

    Language Guide

    A collection of words in different languages that you can read and hear spoken, you may also contribute to the site with your own knowledge and help others.

  • Audio Lingua : anglais

    Audio Lingua : anglais

    Audio Lingua : anglais

    A collection of short audio recordings in different languages on varied subjects, you can control what you have learnt by taking quizzes, there are 630 in English only, you can also choose from 8 different languages for the search commands.

  • Learning School Students

    Learning School Students

    A BBC site offering lots of ressources for learning about British culture, for all levels and many subjects, explore and discover.

  • Memovoc


    A useful site to revise English vocabulary on your own with lots of easy exercises that help learn by repetition, also with advice to teachers and parents.

  • The English Grammar online

    The English Grammar online

    The English Grammar online by University College of London written primarily for university undergraduates, but useful to anyone wants to learn English.

  • Common Errors in english Usage

    Common Errors in english Usage

    An alphabetical database of commons errors made while using English, very useful clear short explanations about the amazing complexity of a language that foreigners love to use better than native speakers.

  • The pronunciation of English

    The pronunciation of English

    A BBC Learning course with videos quizzes activities and downloads to help you to speak clearly and be well understood when speaking English, the videos are fun.


ScienceNews for Kids : the website of the youth edition of Science News magazine presenting science to kids, lots of interesting articles that are easy to understand.

Zoology and natural science

  • Natural History museum

    Natural History museum


    The home page of the National History museum in London, full of interesting facts and fun info about nature, here the entry for kids only.

  • National geographic Kids

    National geographic Kids


    The online edition of the National Geographic magazine for Kids, photos of animals and from countries all around the world with short easy to understand comments.

  • Evolution of life

    Evolution of life


    A very rich site explaining in much detail the notion of the evolution of species, there are simple animations and easy to understand explanations on all subjects related to evolution.

  • The global climate change

    A student's guide to global climate change


    An interactive site explaining the mechanics of climate change that has important local consequences on life conditions. You can also calculate your own emissions that contribute to climate change.


  • Hubble site

    Hubble site


    Hubble telescope has been orbiting the Earth ever since 1990. The results of its observations are presented here by scientists. You will find in this site amazing documents for understanding the universe and making great presentations.

  • Our solar system

    Our solar system


    The home page of theAmerican National Aeronautics ans Space Administration short NASA featuring the history of American space exploration, the different missions, spacecraft and lots of commented photos and articles.

Do-it-yourself experiments

  • BBC Science

    BBC Science


    A collection of fun things to do, games and quizzes and animation videos on science themes, you will learn a lot and never get bored.

  • Science experiments for kids

    Science experiments for kids


    Lots of easy to reproduce experiments that will help you understand how things work.

  • Easy kids science experiments

    Easy kids science experiments


    Experiments classified by grade or by type of science, the explanations are clear and you can check your theories using the scientific trial and error method.

  • Brain pop Science

    Brain pop Science


    How the world works : cellular life and genetics, earth system, matter and chemistry, space, diversity of life, famous scientists, scientific inquiry…