• 1st May : May Day

    May Day

    Pagan traditions in the English countryside.

  • 1st May : Save the Rhino Day

    Rhino Day

    A day to remember that the rhinoceros is in great danger of extinction and to do something about it.

  • 4th May : Star Wars Day

    Star Wars Day

    The cinema epic Star Wars will be recalled onthis special day.

  • 5th May : Cinco de Mayo - Mexican Heritage in America

    Cinco de Mayo

    The glory of Mexican history and the old friendship with the USA.

  • Last Monday of May : Memorial Day (USA)

    Memorial Day

    In memory of all those who fought and died for America.

  • 24th May : British Empire Day, or Commonwealth Day

    British Empire Day

    The British Empire is nowadays a fraternal Commonwealth of Englishspeaking nations.